September News

Vollunteers Are Needed!
Some areas of need: Office Assistance, Mentors with a heart for the poor & their needs at hand, Pickup & Delivery people with trucks or vans to haul furniture occasionally, Sorters & Cleaners on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday afternoons, Cashiers with knowledge from yard sales or flea market type work, Skilled Maintenance people to help with upkeep of the building.
General Qualifications: Passion to help and love the poor & needy in our land, sharing the Love of Christ!
Please call the office for a detailed list of ongoing projects if you are impressed of the Lord to help out. 962-2246

GED Classes - Wednesdays @ 12:30 in the basement meeting room, provided by BOCES call: 716-763-1801 ext. 3013 or 1-800-526-3297 ext. 3013 to register.

Bookbag Report
Thanks to your outstanding response with donations of bookbag supplies we are thrilled to announce that we prepared and gave out over 75 Bookbags this year! Locally to Cassadaga Valley students, and through our Dunkirk Branch, and through the North County Social Services Agency workers. We also shared some of the leftover supplies with Camp Findley for their summer camp programs & office supplies. Thanks for your donations!

Here are some other missions that we help out with:
Red Cross First Response Team – Immediate disaster help.
Sonshine Ministries – Nursing Home Mission
St. Pauly – USA & Overseas Mission
Bears for Soldiers – Salamanca based Ministry to Soldiers in hospitals.
Stuffed Animal Giveaway @ Lake Erie Speedway – Local driver, 11 year old Darrin Waldron, gives out stuffed animals with his driver # to kids at the track.
Safe House – Supplies for Jamestown Mission
Park Food Pantry - gives out ‘bag of free clothes tickets’
Camp Findley – Needs List Supplies
Dunkirk Samaritan House – Clothing & Household Goods
Department of Social Services – Helping families with household needs through their Case Workers.
Faith Based Initiative – Networking with Agencies, Organizations & Churches who help families in need.
Community Helping Hands – Networking to serve our County.

News Article

Clothing items are displayed at Dunkirk's new Samaritan House center at First United Methodist Church. From left are: Vicki Cortes, First Methodist Pastor Amy FitzGerald, Carmen Cortes, and Melysa Jewel.

DUNKIRK -- Samaritan House, a community outreach program based in Sinclairville, is now more accessible to North County communities.
An extension of Samaritan House has been established in Dunkirk through partnership of Sinclairville's Park United Methodist and Dunkirk's First United Methodist churches, according to an announcement of pastors James Bailey at Park United, and First United's Amy FitzGerald.
The North County Samaritan House center, headquartered in the Dunkirk church at 17 E. Sixth Street, is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. Pastor FitzGerald said those who wish to donate clothing, food, household and appliance items, or to assist as volunteers, are asked to contact the church office at 716- 366-2230.
Like Sinclairville's Samaritan House, the pastor said, the new branch operation also provides a number of services, including ESL (English Second Language, and English-Learning-Spanish classes, scheduled 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Also, Ryan Dwyer, the church choir director offers instructions on reading music at 6 p.m. each Tuesday.
In addition, the church continues its participation in the Angelfood Ministries, a nationwide program providing low-cost foods. More details on Angelfood and on other services are available by contacting the church office, or by e-mail at
With the support of the Park UM congregation and Pastor Bailey, Samaritan House was established in 2004 at Sinclairville by Maureen Schafer, a Park UM member, and director of the outreach ministry. Samaritan House is operated entirely by volunteers.
The Sinclairville operation, housed in the old Park UM church building at 2 East Ave., is open from 2-7 p.m., on Wednesdays and Fridays. Information on the Samaritan House program is available at
The Dunkirk site will make it easier for families and individuals living in northern areas of the county, Schafer said. The needs are great throughout Chautauqua County where more than 17,000 families have incomes below the poverty level.